Friday, January 1, 2010

Laptop or Desktop ?

For many of us, the after Christmas sale and/or new year is the time to get that good deal on a new computer. Obviously the first decisions to make is do I buy a laptop or desktop. This decision has to be made even before you decide whether your a “PC” or a “Mac;” because lets face it, at the end of the day both systems do the same thing, just in a different way. I make that statement based on using both systems on a daily basis (Can you tell which system I used to type this?).

This decision used to be easier than it probably is today. Today we are in a market full of choices and options that will come with either selection. So basically you can get the exact same features regardless if you go with the desktop or the laptop (just not at the exact same cost).

The decision comes down to three questions: 1)Are you going to be computing in a single or multiple locations? 2) What are you going to use it for? 3) What can you afford?
Without a doubt, if you are on a limited budget, as I am, you will have to make some sacrifices if you decide to go with a laptop. The good news is that if you make the right choices when picking processors, memory, etc., you might not notice those sacrifices that much. (In my next post I’ll talk about choosing the processor and memory) The bad news is that a year or two from now, if you chose the laptop, your updating/upgrading choices will be somewhat limited.

Today we have become more of a mobile society with our computing. The advent of WiFi has enabled us with the opportunity to take computers into more places without being tethered to the network cord or phone line. From the classroom to the local coffee shop, WiFi is available and in most cases free!

I know for my family, WiFi has allowed us the freedom to type at the kitchen table or on the couch, bedroom, back porch, etc. My wife loves the fact that we were able to get rid of the “hideous” looking desktop and hide the printer from view. I’ve even installed a wireless system at my aunt’s house, where she now enjoys utilizing her laptop while sitting in her recliner, watching tv.

Of course if your purchase is based on the need to program, data entry, and/or accounting type activities, a single location may work best for you. If that’s the case, getting a good desktop with a nice big flat panel screen might be just the ticket (most bang for your buck as well). This might also be the case if your a big time gamer; especially on a limited budget. As mentioned earlier, the desktop will also provide more upgrade/update options down the road.

Whatever your final decision, the new computer will be an exciting purchase and will come with options you never dreamed of just a few years ago. Take your time, shop around, and get a good deal. There are good deals to be had. Take a look at: , , , , , , , and . For a little extra bang for our buck, Apple and Dell do sell refurbished, scratch/dent, and returns at a couple of hundred off the regular price with as new warranties. Oh yea they also offer some education pricing, which most families will qualify for one way or another. Have fun and happy computing!

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